Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Chocolate Pudding-- Love in a Bowl

Pudding is one of those foods that instantly transports me back to childhood.  We didn't have it all that often- mom was more of a jell-o gal- which made it all the more special when we did have it, even if it was a boxed mix.

When I was 10 or 11, I began making pies and I discovered pudding "made from scratch".  It was creamy and rich.  It's a wonder any of it made it into my cream pies!  Some of the steps didn't make sense to me, like tempering the eggs.  It amazes me that I never ended up with scrambled eggs in my pudding.  I've now mastered the technique, and am sharing it with you.  It takes a little more time than the mixed kind, but is SO worth it.  No more boxed pudding!

Here's what you'll need:
1 c sugar
2/3 c cocoa powder
4 TBSP cornstarch
4 c whole milk (you can use reduced-fat versions, but it will be thinner and less rich)
4 egg yolks, lightly beaten
1 TBSP vanilla
1 TBSP butter

Combine sugar, cocoa and cornstarch in a heavy pot.  Whisk to combine.  Slowly add the milk.

Heat, over medium heat, to boiling, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat.

Slowly mix 1/3 of the chocolate mixture into the beaten eggs.  This is called "tempering", which means bringing the eggs to the temp of the hot mixture, and will prevent the eggs from scrambling when you add them to the pudding.

Add the egg mixture back into the pot.

Return to boiling, over medium heat.  Cook 1 minute.

Remove from the heat.  Whisk in the vanilla and butter.  Why butter?  It adds richness and makes the pudding glossy.

Pour into a large bowl or 8 dessert dishes.  Cover with plastic wrap. Make sure you pres the plastic onto the surface of the pudding.  This will prevent it from forming a skin as it cools (which is GROSS).  Refrigerate until cool, about 3 hours.


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