Thursday, August 29, 2013

Roasting peppers

Roasted red peppers seem to be all the rage on restaurant menus these days.  They are incredibly easy to make at home, and add so much flavor to your everyday foods.  I use my gas grill, but if you have a gas stove you can also do it there.  Just make sure you have plenty of airflow.  I know this from experience!

Start with peppers that are ripe but still firm.  I'm roasting both red bell peppers and hot peppers.  Preheat the grill till it's smoking hot.  Wash the peppers and dry them.  No need to oil or season them.  Place the peppers on the grill.

Turn the peppers often to keep them from burning.  You want the skins to be charred, but not really burnt.

The smaller peppers will cook faster.  As they release moisture, the bell peppers will make a popping sound.

Place the peppers in a large bowl and cover them with plastic wrap.  The condensation that forms will help the skins slip off more easily.

When the peppers have cooled completely, they will be slightly smaller than when you started.

Using your hand or a paper towel, scrape the charred skin off the pepper.  You don't want to get rid of it all, since it gives the pepper a smoky flavor.  Rinse under running water.  Slice the pepper in half; remove the seeds and veins.  They should come out pretty easily.  

Now you're ready to eat!  Slice the peppers into strips and use on sandwiches or in your eggs.  If you don't use them all at once, place in an air-tight container and sprinkle with a little olive oil.  They will keep in the fridge for one week.  Use the pepper-flavored oil as a marinade or in a vinaigrette.  Enjoy!

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