Saturday, July 5, 2014


I recently spent a week down at my daughter's while she had and recovered from surgery.  Her boyfriend is a bit of a foodie (Major understatement!) and cooks things I've never tasted before.  One night, he was making us Cuban sandwiches and I was tasked with making the mojo.  Mojo is a condiment Cubans use like we use ketchup.

We trolled the recipe sites looking for a suitable mojo, and settled on one that had only 4 ingredients.  I was garlicky and delicious!  But I felt it was missing a little something, so when I re-created it here at home, I added a bunch of cilantro, fresh from the garden.  Not only did it give the mojo a more pleasing color, it really added a flavor boost.

Here's what you'll need:
1/2 c olive oil
10 cloves garlic, finely sliced
1 c sour orange juice (or equal parts lime and orange juice)
1 tsp ground cumin
1 small bunch cilantro

Combine the oil and the garlic in a small saucepan.  Over low heat, simmer the garlic just until fragrant.  DO NOT allow it to brown, or it can become bitter very quickly.

Add the juice to the pot.  It may splatter a bit, so stand back.  Bring to a boil.  Cook 1 minute.

Remove from heat.  Stir in the cumin and cilantro.

Allow to sit, at room temp, until completely cooled.

Pour the cooled sauce into a blender and pulse until smooth.

Pour into an airtight container and store in the fridge for one week, or in the freezer up to one month.


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