Thursday, June 12, 2014

French Bread

Today was a rainy, miserable day so I decided to make bread.  I used to make bread all of the time.  The problem with that was we ate way too much bread.  Anyway, today was bread baking day.  I wanted the smell of rising yeast and baking bread to fill the house. I was not disappointed.

This recipe is easy to mix and requires few ingredients.  The time-consuming part is the rising and resting periods, but it doesn't need babysat.  You can go about your day and still end up with this crusty, chewy piece of heaven.

Here's what you'll need:
1 package yeast
1 1/4 c warm water
1 TBSP sugar
2 tsp salt
3 -3 1/2 c all purpose flour
1 TBSP corn meal
cold water
1 egg white
2 TBSP cold water

Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the warm-- not hot-- water.  You should see bubbles rising up as the yeast begins to bloom.

Add 2 cups of the flour and beat until smooth.

Gradually add 1 1/4- 1 1/2 additional cups of flour, until the dough is easy to handle (it will pull away from the sides of the bowl).

Pour 1 TBSP of oil into a bowl. Use a napkin or paper towel to coat the whole bowl.   Set side.

Turn the dough onto a floured counter top.  Use your hands to knead the dough (push the dough away from you with one and; pull it back with the other), for 5 minutes.  Until the dough is smooth and elastic.  Don't skimp on the time here.  This kneading is what develops the gluten in the flour and gives the bread it's texture.

Shape the dough into a ball.  Put the dough in the oiled bowl, turning it to coat all sides.  Cover with a cloth and let rise, at room temp (I usually put it on top of the stove, away from drafts) until almost doubled in size, about 1 1/2 hours.

Punch down the dough.  Recover with the cloth.  Let rest 15 minutes.

Grease a sheet pan.  Sprinkle with 1 TBSP corn meal.  Set aside.

Divide the dough into two halves.  Roll each half into a 15x10" rectangle.

Tightly roll up each loaf.

Pinch the seam, tightly, between your fingers to seal the dough.

Place the loaves on the prepared sheet pan.  Use a sharp knife to slash the top of the loaves at 2-inch intervals.

Cover with a clean cloth.  Allow to rise, at room temp, until doubled in size, about 1 1/2 hours.

Preheat oven to 375.

Place a 9x13" pan on the lowest over rack.  Add 2 cups HOT water.

Brush the tops of the loaves with cold water.  Bake 20 minutes.

Combine the egg white with the 2 TBSP of cold water, whisking well.

Remove the pan of water from the oven.  Brush the loaves with the egg mixture.  Bake and additional 20-25 minutes, until they're golden and sound hollow when you tap on them.  Cool on a wire rack.

Each loaf makes 10-12 slices.


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