Saturday, September 7, 2013

Basic Meat Sauce for Pasta

Spaghetti or some shape of pasta seems to be a staple at just about any family's dinner table.  I know it's so convenient to just crack open a jar of sauce.  When you're under time constraints, that makes perfect sense. But some night when you're a little less rushed, try making your own.   It's super easy and doesn't take long, but the flavor just can't be beat.  This is a basic recipe, but once you get it down, it's very easy to customize it to your own tastes.

Here's what you'll need:
1 TBSP bacon grease or oil
1 onion, finely chopped
3 TBSP garlic, chopped
1 lb ground beef (you can use turkey, but you'll need to increase the seasonings)
salt and pepper
1 lg can crushed tomatoes
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp dried oregano
2 tsp dried basil
1 TBSP dried parsley
1/4 grated Parmesan cheese

Heat the bacon grease or oil in a large skillet.  An old Italian woman once told me that pork is what makes your sauce.  I don't know how true that is, but I do think bacon makes just about anything better.  Since I always have bacon "juice" on hand, that is what I use.

Add the onion to the pan, and sprinkle with a little salt.  This will help the onions to "sweat", which means they will release some of their liquid, and soften a bit.

Add the ground beef to the onions.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.  It's important to flavor every layer of a dish.  I'm not talking teaspoons of the stuff.  Just enough to give it the meat some flavor as it browns.  Crumble up the meat as it browns.

When the meat is thoroughly browned, drain fat, if necessary.  I use beef that is 93% less fat, so there isn't usually much to drain.  Return to the meat to the pot and add the garlic, tomatoes, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper and the herbs.  (I use dried herbs because I like my sauce to cook pretty long.  If you're looking to eat it really soon, you can use fresh herbs.  You will have to use 3 times as much fresh.)

Bring the sauce to a boil.  Cover and reduce heat.  Allow the sauce to simmer, stirring occasionally, at least 30 minutes.  Stir in Parmesan cheese.

Your sauce is now ready to eat.  This is a hearty sauce, so it needs a sturdy pasta to go with it, like rigatoni, ziti or papardelle.  It's also good in lasagna and other baked pasta dishes.  This serves 4-5.  I usually have enough to freeze for a second meal.  Give it a try! When you see how easy and delicious it is, the jar will be no more.


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