Friday, February 14, 2014

Peach and Berry Tart

I like tarts.  They're like pie, but thinner, which means I can eat more for the same calories.  Of course, if you add ice cream you lose that advantage, but it's so worth it.

Here's what you'll need:
Crust for a 9-inch pie
3 ripe peaches, peeled and sliced thinly
1/3 c sugar
3/4 c quartered strawberries
1/2 c red raspberries

Preheat oven to 400.

Combine peaches and sugar in a bowl.  Let sit for 10 minutes or so, at room temp, to allow the peaches to release their juice.

A tart pan usually have a removable bottom, which makes it easy to remove the tart from the pan.

They also sell some, usually glass, that do not have a removable bottom.  Those are just served from the pan like you would a pie.

Press your pie crust into the tart pan.  I used a 10-inch pan, which turned out to be too big.  The tart came out far thinner than I wanted.  So, I recommend either an 8 or 9-inch pan.

Arrange half of the peaches over the crust.

Scatter the berries over the peaches, arranging so there is a good mixture and balance of color.

Top with the remaining peaches and about 1/2 of the sugar syrup.

Bake at 400 for 10 minutes.  Reduce the heat to 350 and bake 25-30 minutes more, until the peaches are soft.  Cool, to room temp, on a wire rack.

When you're ready to serve, run a knife around the edge of the tart.  Push the tart up, from the bottom center, and remove the outer frame.

Now, slide a long knife between the tart and the pan, loosening it all the way around.  Then use the knife to help slide the tart onto a platter.  It's best if you do this in one quick motion.  It's less likely to break that way.

Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.  Serves 8-10.


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